Therapeutic Food

Ideally, any food we consume would only serve to enhance and uplift our overall health.

What is a “therapeutic food?” We might think of some type of bitter syrup, exotic organ or raw herb or spice. However, a therapeutic food, by definition, should provide us with some type of healing benefit. Ideally, any food we consume would only serve to enhance and uplift our overall health.

That being said, every now and then, I like to prepare a somewhat “crude” creation with the sole intention of delivering therapeutic nutrients. They can be thought of as culinary supplements, where nutrient concentration is higher than a normal meal and lower than a conventional supplement.

One of my favorite creations, combines the bitter, earthy and pungent flavors of ginger, turmeric and garlic with the sweetness of carrots and the rich, toasty flavor of ghee. Alternatively, the creation can be made sweeter by replacing the garlic with cinnamon and the ghee with coconut oil.

Each one of these ingredients packs a punch of anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, blood sugar balancing nutrition.

Ginger and turmeric are arguable some of the most well-known and well-studied roots, boasting over 90,000 studies on their beneficial role in cardiovascular, metabolic, immune, and digestive health.

Ghee, which is clarified butter, offers a rich source of anti-oxidants, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and promotes healthy levels of HDL cholesterol. It is also stable at high heat and may be tolerated by those with dairy sensitivities.

Garlic is a potent anti-microbial and anti-fungal, especially beneficial when balancing yeast-overgrowth and dysbiosis. Those dealing with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) may need to avoid this temporarily.  

Carrots may not be the first food that comes to mind when thinking of detox or gut health, but I find carrots to be a versatile and flexible food when it comes to most healing protocols. Carrots not only contain beta carotene, fiber, but have shown to be both anti-microbial and hepato-protective (supports liver health).

This dish along with liver pate are among my favorite “therapeutic” foods that are not only incredibly health-promoting but enjoyable for that ever-so-hard-to please palate!


Turmeric Ginger Carrot Creations

Makes about 10-12 servings


• 6 large carrots, cut into 1-2” pieces roughly

• 2 TBSP chopped and peeled fresh turmeric root OR 1 TBPS organic turmeric


• 2 TBPS chopped and peeled fresh ginger root

• 4-6 raw garlic cloves, chopped (if SIBO/low-sulfur or you desire sweeter,

substitute 2 tsp organic cinnamon powder)

• 3 TBPS ghee or coconut oil

• 1/2 tsp Himalayan or Celtic Sea salt

• Optional: pinch of black pepper


• Place cut carrots in medium saucepan with 2 cups water, bring to a boil, then

let simmer until carrots are easy to pierce with a fork (but not mushy!). Drain

carrots and let cool. (It is important to let this cool before adding carrots to

the food processor)

• In food processor, add carrots and remaining ingredients. Puree until smooth.

Store in glass containers for up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

• Enjoy a few TBPS per day alongside your meals or with a snack!

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