Detox: Health fad or health foundation?

Detox, toxins, detoxification…..are all very popular buzzwords in today’s health and wellness world. Detoxification is not a new concept in how we, as humans, approach health. In fact, there is much evidence that ancient civilizations had detoxification practices that often had the purpose of forcing various “spirits” or “demons” out of the body. While it’s hard to study the spiritual aspect of these, we know that many of the remedies and therapies that were used elicit many health benefits. In a study of pancha karma, which is an ancient Ayurvedic cleansing ritual, utilizes both food, herbs, meditation and heat therapies, it was shown that this integrative program produced cardio-protective changes in particular metabolites. Traditional Chinese Medicine has long recognized the utility in using herbs to support the body’s natural detoxification.

Our modern world’s NEED for detox support has drastically increased.

Detox “rituals” of our modern world can seem pretty mutated compared to these ancient cleansing rituals. It could be argued that the purpose and message of detoxification has been distorted, however  our modern world’s NEED for detox support has drastically increased.

In this post-WWII world, often pegged as the Green Revolution, we’ve seen thousands of chemicals added to our systems of production from our food, crops, packaging materials, body care and water supply. Studies have found over 200 chemicals, like flame retardants, in newborn baby’s umbilical cords. “Trace amounts of flame retardants, banned in the U.S. for more than a decade, are still being passed through umbilical cord blood from mothers to their babies, according to new Indiana University research. The chemicals are linked to health concerns including hormone disruption and low birth weight. “

So, what can we do about it? It can seem overwhelming to discover the level of toxicity we live in but it’s also very important to understand, especially if you’re struggling with health conditions. Confronting this toxic burden and healing from it can be both intimidating as well as empowering! In a world where we often feel out of control, there are a great many tools we have to help ourselves heal. Here are 3 powerful first steps you can take to begin your detox journey and, most importantly, these are steps of avoidance.

...most importantly, these are steps of avoidance.

1. Install a water filter

This reduces your exposure to compounds such as chlorine and fluoride, which can both negatively impact your thyroid gland, your master gland for regulating metabolism.

2. Make the conversion to glass or stainless-steel containers.

Plastic containers are comprised of EDCs (endocrine disrupting chemicals) such as bisphenol-A (BPA). Additionally, BPA-free products are not immune to EDC status, as they still contain similar bisphenol compounds (such as BPE or BPS). These chemicals transfer into foods, especially when heated, making their avoidance a powerful step in reducing EDC intake. Whilst glass can be useful for pantry items and leftovers, lighter stainless steel can make a great low-tox solution for kid’s lunchboxes.

3. Transition your body and household cleaning products to natural equivalents.

Synthetic versions of these products contain compounds such as phthalates, parabens, triclosan and heavy metals which have endocrine disrupting or irritant effects within the body.


To continue your detox journey, begin working with a health professional or nutrition therapist to determine what your detoxification needs are. Element Nutrition offers clients personalized programs to fit your wellness goals!


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