Rinse and Repeat (with a little splash)

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give-up.” Galatians 6:9

At the core of optimal health and longevity, there lies the humble and mundane pockets of daily life that are often shunned by our culture’s constant search for stimulation. It seems like low-hanging fruit when we’re quick to blame processed, addictive foods, toxins, socioeconomics for all health problems today. Don’t misunderstand me….these are MAJOR barriers to health, but they don’t fully explain why so many people struggle to transform their health. It doesn’t completely explain why our health span (different from life span) is on the decline.

Have you ever looked back at a healthy and strong season of life and asked yourself, what was I doing at that time and why am I NOT doing that today? Sure, there are many answers…life circumstances change, you’re not 10 anymore, stressful events, perhaps some of it was unsustainable. Or did we just get bored, impatient or distracted by the next new thing? True success isn’t built overnight and true health is no exception.

In my nutrition practice, I find that I’m often coaching clients in simply “remembering what they already know,” then putting that into daily practice. In many cases it sounds something like, “Yeah, I felt great when I was meal prepping and planning! My mood improved, weight came down, sleep improved, skin cleared, etc…” Then we explore why we abandoned the habits that produced these results. It’s not always a process of applying the latest research or just that one golden piece of knowledge that we didn’t have before.

Our culture today tells us that we always need the latest and greatest, and for some pursuits that’s true. For building true and vibrant health, it’s rarely the case.

It’s not edgy or sexy; rather it looks a lot like wash, rinse and repeat cycle with a little splash for those who are prone to restlessness.

It’s not edgy or sexy; rather it looks a lot like wash, rinse and repeat cycle with a little splash for those who are prone to restlessness.

So, what does your current daily health cycle look like? Is it humming along smoothly or does stutter and splutter? If your cycle needs some tuning up, contact jenny.olson@elementnutritionjo.com to begin your nutrition therapy journey!

If you grow, you know.

Here’s my “splash” within my rinse and repeat cycle!

This year I had the opportunity to try my hand at some gardening. What can I say, I’m a late bloomer😉 Having lived in apartments most of my life, I jumped on the chance to reserve a little bed this year. I chose hearty things that didn’t need a green thumb. This week, the ground birthed these red little beauties. Radishes are one of my favorite vegetables and they have never tasted so satisfyingly spicy! (Plus, they are power hitters for skin, immune, liver and cardiovascular health!)


How’s your Long Game?


Immune Care, a daily priority