How’s your Long Game?
Guaranteed results! Burns Fat in 2 weeks! Lose 10lbs in one week! Weight loss today!
Attractive claims that lure millions every day. Upon further inspection, you might find that a low-calorie diet and exercise were ALSO part of this equation. Or the other way around; an exercise program guaranteed to build muscle and burn fat quickly….come to find the program includes extreme supplements.
Unfortunately, many will skip the small print and go straight for the quick fix.
Results may vary, a low-calorie diet and regular exercise is recommended, etc.
This quick-fix, immediate gratification culture make me think of an article I recently came across discussing the importance of playing the long game versus the short game in different areas of life. To be clear, this was not discussing golf, however, what’s the use of having a good short game and a poor long game? Golf pros like Woods, Nicklaus and McIlroy came to respect the long game as their careers progressed.
This is not particularly revolutionary for most, rather, it is a practical framework we understand the concept, yet still struggle in its application.
The long game/short game model is quite relevant when approaching health and wellness goals. The pursuit of weight loss, for instance; while research clearly reveals that short-term or “short game” strategies are not only unsustainable but can be destructive, they mysteriously continue to be popular. Physical fitness is yet another area where we see sneaky short game propaganda running rampant; perform this one special exercise, take this one miracle supplement, walking is the new running…. the list goes on. At the end of the day, these are futile attempts to apply short game strategies to gain long game results, often resulting in discouragement, or worse, giving up.
“In 2022, vibrant health is a narrow, upstream path. ”
In 2022, vibrant health is a narrow, upstream path. It requires vigilance, denial of self, seeking out our natural states and relationships, protecting your body and mind from toxic inputs. Ooof! It’s a lot to check off, I know. But this doesn’t mean that we can’t start somewhere, agreed?
From October 1st until January 1st, I dare you to pick just ONE of the following areas to work on for at least 2 months. This long game strategy will transform not only your physical health, but will positively impact mental, emotional, social and spiritual health as well.
So, what game are you playing this fall?
(click chart to view larger / zoom)